Wir wünschen allen Gästen eine entspannte und genussvolle Golfrunde auf Mallorca’s No.1 Golfanlage
Son Gual is a private, family-run members‘ golf club, set in 156 hectares of beautiful Mediterranean landscape. Guests are welcomed warmly, but are asked to respect the club’s etiquette rules, thereby ensuring the safeguarding of the course’s superb all-year-round quality.
Son Gual prides itself on catering for all requirements and providing the highest standards to its members and guests with nothing left to chance. The owners will invite a select number of members to join the ‘Son Gual Membership Council‘, the role of which is to protect the integrity and value of the resort. Membership details are available in person from Son Gual senior management.
Andreas Pamer – Club Management
Pressestimmen über Son Gual Golf
A championship layout that’s a class act from tee to green and beyond.
Golf Academy
Tim Holroyd’s team supports and improves your game all-year round.
Stunning dishes with a side order of spectacular views from the terrace.
Pro Shop
Alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihr Golf Erlebnis zu genießen – und das gewisse Extra für die Daheimgebliebenen
Warum nur irgendein Mitglied sein, wenn Sie den 5 Sterne Service auf Son Gual geniessen können ?
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